
Summer 2024 Updates

See what's new on the platform this summer.
Jul 7, 2024
Summer 2024 Updates

We've been hard at work on the platform this spring, and we're excited to share some of the updates we've made. We hope you'll enjoy them! πŸŽ‰

πŸ“ File Parsing Improvements

We've made several significant improvements to the file parsing process to enhance your experience and efficiency.

100x Faster file uploads

File parsing speed has improved, allowing for uploads up to 100x faster, especially noticeable with parts having many features. For instance, a part with over 2000 holes now uploads in ~3 seconds instead of ~5 minutes.

Lots of holes

Larger file size support

You can now upload files up to 24MB in size.

Multi-body Part Support

You can now upload an STEP file with multiple bodies. Our platform will automatically split up the assembly into individual parts.

Here is an example:

Multibody part Onshape

This file was exported from Onshape as a SINGLE step file and uploaded to our platform.

Multibody part

You can see each part in the file was automatically split into multiple uploads, making it easier to manage and order large assemblies.

Better Error Messages

We've enhanced error messages to make it easier to troubleshoot issues with your file.

Better Errors

πŸ‡ Rapid Production

We now offer the ability to expedite your production. A rapid production option will appear before checkout for eligible orders. We've also introduced Overnight Early Shipping, which guarantees AM delivery of your order. These options enable orders to be cut, shipped, and delivered in as little as 24 hours!

πŸ‘₯ Organization Management

Organizations are now fully supported in Fabworks. You can create, edit, and delete organizations from the dropdown next to your user profile. Add all your team members, and all quotes and orders will be synced across your team. Each user has separate workspaces, so you can keep personal quotes and orders separate from your team's.


πŸ•³οΈ New Hole Operations Menu

The hole operations menu has been improved to make it easier to find the right hole operation for your part. We plan on adding more hardware and tapping options soon!

Better Hole Operations Menu

Using Fabworks for Next Day Laser Cutting

Accelerate prototyping with Fabworks' next day laser cutting. Learn how to speed up turnaround times and optimize your rapid product development process.

Fast Track Your Project.

Seamless process, unparalleled precision, unbeatable speed. Turn your design into reality by beginning your journey with us today.

.STEP / .STP up to 25MB

Your file are safe, secure and retain all intellectual rights.